Sunday, December 20, 2009

Emergency Dentistry If We End Up With A National Healthcare System, Will This And To What Extent Cover DENTAL?

If we end up with a national healthcare system, will this and to what extent cover DENTAL? - emergency dentistry

Having healthy teeth is very important for those of us eat, cursed at.

I have not seen or heard a single thing about the dental coverage or dental emergency.


Uncle Ben said...

ThinkFree wooden prosthesis for everyone!

self-act... said...

I would like to e-mail to people who live in countries that receive national health systems. They do very well. So many people make a fortune in the United States for medical break, so that they do not want you to know that there is a great success elsewhere. Teeth are important not only to eat, but people with missing teeth can lose their jobs. When seen for a hotel to get someone hired Nice bags for people, but the workers do not have the teeth that hurt their business, so I can not get that person hired. Good question, but I think we care about our country to bear that so many people either do not want the best for themselves.

James M said...

here in the UK and dental eyes are covered, but dentists are refusing to cooperate with the government and in some areas difficult to reach a dental health service, but emergency treatment is guaranteed.
A Wee is also an emergency supply of dentists brought under the former Soviet Union, Poland, etc.

margaret h said...

Neither Clinton nor Obama plans refer to a small business or self-employed.
They say these things to get elected.
Nothing more.
It is a bad joke.

Unless and until you even begin to deal honestly with the American people as we can think of, including details such as dental treatment?

margaret h said...

Neither Clinton nor Obama plans refer to a small business or self-employed.
They say these things to get elected.
Nothing more.
It is a bad joke.

Unless and until you even begin to deal honestly with the American people as we can think of, including details such as dental treatment?

Norskeye... said...

In some states, no national health service, paid for by our government. Many poor children are entitled to dental care and get the good care of their teeth.

Falstaff said...

Good point. How babay not fix things. Any serious effort to establish national health systems, is a step forward in the history of human progress.

livefree said...

Dental Insurance is extra and health insurance. I doubt you can find any dentist willing to accept government reimbursement rates for dental treatment.

wider scope said...

There is no plan for him and never, as in all countries UHC my knowledge.

The number libs is needed to the teeth to hold when the mixer is much cheaper.

T.J. said...

I doubt it. But if you look like teeth. I would not make too worried.

delphi said...

We think.
All we care is that the delivery thereof to the DC gets set.

Q Q said...

Obama's father was a great plan!

Obama (Senior, Junior One Obama seeks, as in his book "Dreams from My Father") recommends a significant increase taxes on "the rich" even up to 100% level will be arguing that "no" There is no limit for taxation if the benefits of public services by society measure up to the cost of pay in taxes "(p. 30) and" In theory there is nothing that the government can prevent them from taxing the income of 100 % received during the public benefits will be taxed in accordance with their income.

BH Obama, SR
The "lowly goatherd" ...

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